
All posts tagged gathering

I had to cancel my mom meet :(

Published October 28, 2011 by busymommyof3

I had a mom meet planned for today. I had planned this probably about 3 weeks ago and it was to be my first mom meet since becoming a mom ambassador last month. I decided I would hold 1 meeting a month and I would rotate from daytime/during the week one month and night time/weekend the next month so that the moms who could not make it, could go the following month.

I planned my meeting to be held in a local park, which is popular because it has HUGE trees that shade the whole playground and park itself. There isn’t dirt around the equipment, they have the rubber chips everywhere. This park is popular on the weekends to have birthday parties. At any rate, I planned it to be today from 10:30am-12:30pm. I figured the kids could run and play and get worn out so that after we were done they could go home, the kids could take a nap, and we could all get a little bit of quiet time, lol. I woke up this morning before my alarm went off because I heard my 2 yr old crying. When I woke up, I heard rain so I looked outside and saw that I heard right, it was raining. Great. So I drive my oldest to the bus stop and waited with her for the bus. While I was there I put up a post on my mom’s meet group on facebook and told them that we may have to re-schedule. When I came back, I got ready for the meet. By the time 9:30am rolled around, it had stopped raining but it was all wet. I knew that wet playground equipment isn’t ideal for me, so I know it can’t be with the others. I texted everyone that was going to show up and told them we need to reschedule.

I am kind of bummed. I really wanted to gather everyone together and hand out. I bought water, organic lemonade, organic sweet tea, organic green tea, organic chips, organic cookies, and organic crackers. I was ready! Oh well. I will re-schedule this next week, but I will be sure to check the weather first!!