All posts tagged 2011

The First Day of November!

Published November 1, 2011 by busymommyof3

WOW! It’s hard to believe that this year has flown by so quickly! Geese! Next month is Christmas! It’s sneaking up on me so fast! I feel like the year just started yesterday and I just had my son…but here he is, going to be 9 months on the 4th…wow.

So yesterday was fun! My oldest daughter had 2 of her friends come over and we took them to my in laws neighborhood and went trick or treating. My friends met us there and we all went together! There were so many kids with us! Usually we just take our kids but this year was much better!

Here’s some pics…

This cute little girl is actually 1 week younger than my son!

We all know how hard it is to get babies to pose for pics lol

All all three of these babies are within 1.5 weeks of age of each other!

And here is my mother in law with my oldest, middle and my oldest daughter’s friends. My kids are the vampire and witch.

They got a good amount of candy and of course I have all intentions of…testing it out lol.